Monday, January 12, 2009

On the precipice of change

We are exactly 6 days away from the inauguration of this nation's first african american president. An historic time, to be sure, but there are a few things that the african american community must be mindful of.

First, he's not just our president. He will have governance over the whole country. The. WHOLE. Country. That means that not all his decisions will be made from an afrocentric stance. In fact, I'd be surprised if ANY of them were. Listen to me, black people...we CANNOT lose our shit over this fact. This man will be President of the United States, not President of the United States, but only the black people. Understand that while he won't be prefacing any of his edicts with "this one's for you, african american community!", what we are facing is a commander in chief who is not indifferent to the plight of black people. That's huge, because for more years than a lot of us have been alive, the government has, at best, been indifferent to us and at worst down right intolerant of us. What we are facing in the next four years (I hope) is a reversal of that, and therein lies our victory.

Second, this man is NOT the second coming of Jesus. He will (and does) have his failings. We must hold him accountable for them just as we would any other president. If he screws up royally, (which I hope and pray he does not) we shouldn't give him a pass because of the color of his skin. ALL of our leaders should have their feet held to the fire because they're decisions affect us all. Obama should be no different.

I don't mean for this post to sound pessimistic, Obama was the candidate I chose and I'd choose him again. I just want the african american community to be realistic and fair when it comes to the next four years. I want that for the whole country.


  1. Girl....

    You already know the deal....Your VERY WISE!...
    I truly hope I did not offend's always LOVE!......

    p.s. He has not been very active in african american issues...from what I've seen either!

    Until things like JENA 6...and Sean Bell stop happening...and until the population of black males in jail decrease..there will be no such thing as TRUE Justice!

    p.s.s. Obama is not the first black president...The first president was John A "Black" Man, A Moor, John Hanson Was the First President of the United States! 1781-1782 A.D. George Washington was really the 8th President of the United States! Info wasn't documented in government 'till George Washington which is why he was considered the first president.......alot of history is lost or misled......

    Google The MOORS....


  2. No offense taken, I was just curious where you were coming from.

    And he was very active in the black community as a community organizer in Chicago. I look at it like this, the man clearly had his sights set on higher office since his career began. And when you hold high office, you can't just be a man for the black people, you've got to be a man for the people...period. But, as I've stated, we must all be ever watchful and hold him accountable for any action detrimental to us as a community and ALL people.
