Saturday, March 20, 2010

High Fructose Corn Syrup is Just Like Sugar!

Except it's not. I've been doing some research on the almost omnipresent ingredient (seriously, go to your pantry and pull out ten items. I bet that 8 out of 10 of them have HFCS as one of the first really, go check. I'll wait.) I'm sure everyone has seen the commercials stating that "HFCS is made from corn, and it's comparable to sugar calorically and fine when used in moderation". But consider this: if this ingredient is in 80% of the foods we purchase on a weekly basis, how can we expect to use it moderately? And believe me when I tell you, this stuff is in damn near EVERYTHING. It's in bread, it's in jelly, it's in peanut butter, it's in certain cheeses, almost all processed food. And how could it not, it's production is government subsidized. What's even more alarming is how often it shows up in fat free foods. What good is "fat free" if the food is chock full of a substance that can actually help make you fat??

My advice to anyone who cares what they and their loved ones take into their bodies is to avoid processed foods all together. It's sounds like a daunting task, but once you make up your mind to do it, it gets easier. READ the labels on the foods you buy. If the first ingredient is HFCS or sugar that means there is a LOT of it in that particular food item. Stick to fresh fruits and veggies, organic meats or meat substitute. If you have "fruit rules" like I do (I hate imperfect looking fruit) invest in a good blender and make a smoothie. I blend up frozen fruit w/NO ADDED sugar, w/almond milk and a scoop or two of protein powder and it is a very satisfying breakfast. I also drink a smoothie if I'm craving something sweet. I have cut out all sugar with the exception of the sugar that naturally occurs in fresh fruits in addition to most items made w/white flour and I've lost almost 30lbs. It has taken me a really long time to come to the realization that I have control over me and what goes into my body. Consider this my personal PSA to anyone who reads this blog. There is so much more than goes into loving yourself than looking in a mirror and fully accepting what you see. It's also doing the best thing for you, no matter how challenging it seems because you know that on the other side of the challenge is a better you.

Take care of yourselves (and I mean that literally)
