Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Off the Stuff...(for good this time)

I made the decision to become vegetarian about 3 weeks ago. I decided to transition by remaining vegetarian at home and at work (the places I could most easily control what I eat) and if I went out to a party or a casual get together at a friends house with limited selections, I'd give myself the leeway of small quantities of meat. Well...cut to girls night at my best good girlfriends house on Saturday and a horrible gastrointestinal reaction on Sunday which I assume was caused by eating something I haven't had in a while...and I'm off meat for good. I talked to my son about it and he said, "Mom, I don't know if I can give up meat all the way, but I'll eat more vegetables and fruit". I don't think I can ask for more than that. I mean, he's 13 and decisions like whether or not to be vegetarian are ones he's capable of making for himself. I will say, however, that because he eats what I cook (mostly) he hasn't had meat in about 2 weeks and he's raved more about the vegetarian dishes I've cooked than anything I've made with meat.

I've attempted to live a vegetarian lifestyle once before. It was completely by accident. I had surgery on my thyroid and for about 2 months afterwards, I lost my taste for meat. This time is a more conscious decision. I think factory farming is inhumane and harmful for the planet, so this is me trying to do my part to make the Earth a more liveable place.

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