Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Miss the Boy :-(

My offspring has been away visiting his dad and his grandparents for about a month now. It's funny...I was so excited for the alone time but now I'm thinking it's enough now. And I'm a little unnerved by that. I never wanted to be the type of mom who has and has no desire for an identity outside of the role of mom. Don't get me wrong, my son is the most important person in my life, but "happy mom, happy kids". How can you be a happily functioning mother if you can't find pleasure in doing things that don't involve your children. There may be people out there that will think I'm a less than stellar parent(kiss my arse, by the way) but I just don't think that's the way to raise a little person to be a happy, fully functioning adult. THEY have to see YOU independent, happy, content, peaceful, satisfied in order to identify what those states of being look like. Right?

Having said all that, I do miss my kid. I miss hanging out with him at Border's, going to our favorite barbeque joint for lunch, and asking him about girls in order to make him squirm. The apartment has a different energy when he's not here. It's darker and has a little less life.

Saturday can't get here fast enough. Maybe I'll take him to Dave's for lunch and we can shoot the breeze and I can ask him about the cute girls he met in the ATL.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Is it just me??

Am I the only person who doesn't get this guys appeal? I mean...he's scrawny, his hair looks greasy and he looks like he only bathes on demand. That's going the right way for a bladder infection, ladies...if you get my meaning.

I'm sure he's a lovely and charming person, but really, what's all the fuss?

You sent a picture of your WHAT to WHERE, now??

Making one of my daily trips to "The Segment" and I see that the new development is that Neb, Andy and Kenza now have an "Adult Advisory" warning attached. I'm thinking, "okay...sometimes the language gets a little salty, but is it really that bad??". I click the button that allows me to continue on to the blog and Nebby has posted a blog explaining the reason for the warning. The Segment's gonna get a little mo' racy yaaaaaaaaaaaaall!! I'm grown, so it's no skin off of my back. I continue reading and Neb posts a little "love" letter to all the degenerates who send her pictures of their junk via email. Saywhatnow?? Who the hell does that?? I really want to know the thought process of a person who not only takes a picture of their penis, but has the balls (pun intended) to upload it to their computer and email it to someone they probably only know through their blog. Is it a planned activity or do they just wake up one morning and go "you know what? I'm gonna email a pic of my cock to Nebby today". I mean...Nebby's a beautiful girl, but if that's your approach...just kill yourself, dude. It's funny and not funny at the same time. It definitely speaks to a huge lack of respect for themselves, their mommas, their grandmomma, aunties, cousins, not to mention the person who is innocently reading their email only to stumble across a picture of someone's lil penis. And I'm not naive enough to think that there aren't women who enjoy receiving dick pics (oooh...let's call them that from now on, 'kay?) and probably reciprocate with some obscene pics of their own, but that don't make it right. It's not sexy, or cute, or appealing in any way. In fact, it's damn tired.

So, if you're reading this blog and you are a dick pic-er, put your pud back in your pants and find a hobby that doesn't involve your pee pee or the internet. I suggest whittling. You can start with that hunk of "wood" below your navel. Nasty.

Friday, August 14, 2009

"Only very stupid people do not change"

Every difficult situation is an opportunity to learn who you choose to be, but equally as important, it shows you who you should choose NOT to be. We so clearly see the flaws of others while completely ignoring our own. That is not the path to self-awareness. Each day offers an opportunity to peer into the life mirror held before our eyes and see ourselves, not for who we think we are, but for who we REALLY are. Be prepared to not like a lot of what you see. Prepare yourself to be ashamed of how small minded and petty you can be. Prepare yourself to be confronted by your absolute human-ness. It’s not always pretty or enlightened, but thank God it need not stay the same. The most beautiful thing about humanity is its adaptability and capacity to change. Every day we wake up with breath in our lungs is an opportunity to grow and to change and to become who we were divinely crafted to be. Change is not something to fear, it is something to embrace!

Be Blessed


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

One more observation before bed...

Anchorman is one of the most juvenile, gag inducing, laugh out loud funny movies ever made. If you don't agree....I will fight you.


Just an Observation...

Was the TV Guide channel owned by Michael Jackson? 'Cause hand to stan they've been running the same 5 shows on MJ since he passed. No, there will never be an entertainer that will come anywhere near his level of greatness...but it's enough already. The man has been dead for well over a month. Y'all are the only ones still running 24 hour coverage. Seriously, enough! Even his ignorant behind daddy shut his pie hole and sat it on down. (and by the way, Papa one appreciates that more than me. If had to see you on my tv one more time I was going to open a vein. You do have pretty teeth, though.)

And so, in closing I'd just like to say to the execs at the TV Guide Network...please, for pete's sake, return to your regular broadcasting schedule.