Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Can I get a little love with my sex?

Thank you for the tune to make love to
I've heard it before
Thank you for your love song, Mr. Radio

Thank you for your lullabye
it makes love look so easy
Thank you for your love song, Mr. Radio
Mr. Radio-Chrisette Michelle

Without question, these sentiments have been expressed before, but I kind of had an 'ah ha!' moment when I heard this song. The lyrics of a lot of popular music reduces love to the lowest common denominator...sex. Sex equals love, manhood is based on how hard a man is or the size of his piece, women are reduced to big asses and cum receptacles. And we seem okay with it. And I don't think we should be. I think we should definitely NOT be okay with the practice of not valuing each other as men and women, and treating each other as little more than really well made sex toys. the act of sex is an amazing thing, but it's not the best part of a relationship. The best part is the "I want to talk to you, listen to you, watch you move, enjoy your company, encourage you in every endeavor, fight with you, can't wait to get away from you so I can hurry up and see you again" part. Don't get me wrong, I want to make love to you, too...but at the end of the day, if all I want to do is curl up on the couch with my head on your shoulder...ain't nothing wrong with me, you or the relationship. We've just been tricked into thinking that it is. No wonder we each think the other is from other planets. We're too distracted by sex to listen to what the other is really saying. And actively listening to your mate is important in a relationship because even when we're lying, we're revealing little bits of truth about ourselves. They're actually not that hard to pick up on, either. Human beings are notoriously simple in our vast complexities. We like to think we're deep, but let's face it, even collectively we are about as deep as the Rooster River. (look it up). It's time for us to pull back the camera and look at the people we say we love from a wider angle. It's time to take the whole picture in and start appreciating each other for EVERYTHING we bring to the table.

Sometimes I Make Myself Sick

::heavy sigh::One day I'm going to figure out why I'm so all or nothing. I shut down my original "Smoke and Funhouse Mirrors" blog one day on a whim because I felt 'distracted' and that I was blogging 'for all the wrong reasons'. Now picture me sprawled on a fainting couch with the back of my hand pressed dramatically against my forehead. And now I beg myself, as I would anyone else with their heads hopelessly shoved up their own ass, to please get over yourself. Writing that blog was fun and cathartic and a way to flex the writing muscle. I was the one trying to make it be something other than that. I don't care if I have my finger on the pulse of what's relevent in music or movies or fashion...I need to write. And I need to write about things that matter to me. So that's precisely what I'm going to do. Because most of the time, in the grand scheme of things, life is not about what's important to the masses...it's about what's important, interesting, and joy bringing to you.